Monday, 20 February 2012

Kio Kio School- Whakatangata Playing the game of life

Our school motto is Whakatangata, Playing the game of life. 

For the learning community that is Kio Kio school, we believe this refers to and encompasses our school values, our 'can do' and 'give it a go' attitude to our learning and to risk taking and problem solving. 

We want confident, connected, and actively engaged learners who are committed to their own learning and encouraging of all other learners. We want learners to thrive in a collaborative environment where there is tolerance of diversity, and where innovation and initiative are encouraged and valued. 

I recently attended a conference, Learning@Schools. There were some gems from the conference that stick in my mind.  Among the gems.... "We need to celebrate failure" (Christian Long). Another is "Learn2love2learn" (Kevin Honeycutt). 

How apt- how true, and how relevant to our motto! Life is all about failures- we learn the hard lessons from our failures, failures represent risks taken. From our failures we learn to be resilient, we learn to problem solve, we learn to ask others for help, we learn to cherish and value our successes along the way. Failure is a challenge to succeed! 

Tomorrow's students will need to be 'more and more comfortable with failure' (Christian Long Twitter: @christianlong). "We need students who are better and better at fail(ing) better" (Samuel Beckett, quoted by Christian Long). So, how often do we celebrate failure..... and how can we make celebrating failures part of the way we do things here at Kio Kio? That will be an interesting challenge!

Kevin Honeycutt suggests that we need to question everything. Young children do  this intuitively, research I read recently points out that most 4 year olds ask an average of 470 questions a day  - do we encourage this to continue through school? How can we capitalise on this curiosity, this thirst for understanding the world around them?  As learners we all need 2learn2love2learn! We need to reignite our own passion for asking questions!

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